In the former convent annexed to the church
of St. Nicholas, it is situated the famous Hall of the chapter, where you can
admire the cycle of the Dominicans, work
that has allowed us to know and appreciate the artist Tommaso da Modena . The
frescoes are placed under the wooden ceiling, below a band of decorative
foliage, and they cover three walls and part of the fourth , where in the
middle is depicted the Crucifixion .
The cycle has a representation of 40 famous people of the Dominican
Order ,and it was painted between 1351 and 1352, as reported by an inscription underlying
, which unfortunately today is greatly ruined. Among the figures also stand out
personalities such as Pope Innocent V , Benedict XI , Cardinal Annibaldo
Annibaldi , and also St. Dominic , St. Peter Martyr and St. Thomas Aquinas .
The Dominicans are represented in their cells, which all converge
towards the scene of the Crucifixion , to emphasize the intense meaning of the
painting. The characters are all depicted in performing typical tasks of the
scholar , for example writing or reading.
The cells are constituted by two wooden walls which are welded together
by a writing desk , with a awning in the background , pomegranate-colored or
green. And it is the colour, rather than the perspective to create a third dimension
in the fresco . Moreover it si very pronounced the boundary line that
accompanies the different figures .
A key figurative element is the hat , which makes us understand the role
of the Dominican portrayed.
Each figure has different characteristics ,from the age to the
appearance of the face, and the expressions of the faces are exactly the ones,
so varied and realistic , to draw the public's attention.
In addition, the artist enlivens the different scenes by adding various
details , never seem before , such as glasses or a magnifying glass .
A common feature of these paintings is the description in detail of
reality, and the uniqueness of the characters given by the facial features ,
which are probably drawn from life.
The room was partly damaged during an air raid in 1944 , but despite
this, the frescoes were recovered and restored .
Excellente e saggio!