Saint Gerolam was learned and mostly addressed to philology, philosophy and the translation of ancient texts, he is painted while he was sit in his stadium, in which there were several yellow shelves made of timber in each side, moreover it’s covered by a precious cloth. He has a book on his knee in which he leans his right hand and the other is pointing another book, which is opened on the desk. In the painting there are lots of books in the shelves, opened and closed, and also lots of necessary objects for writing. Under the gothic window a letter for himself is painted. He wears a Cardinal hat, behind it a white hale appears that lights his face. On the left a lion is painted, it’s Saint Gerolam’s symbol in every representation.
Saint Romualdo: the name has its origin in Lombardy and it means "commander with glory". He was born in Ravenna, in the middle of the X century. To expiate the fault of a murder, as was the custom, he retired in a monastery for 40 days, and here, after a while, he converted. His interest was to recall of the order for the ancient rule and to establish hermitages and convents. His work inspired the iconography, in which he appeared as a bearded old man, and his aspect is strict.
His most frequent features are the rule's book and the little model of a hermitage, to remember the several founded monasteries. It is painted with a long beard, sit on a desk and he is pointing the face of Christ, who appears at the top. With the left hand he keeps a candle; downwards to the sides of the throne, are portrayed the kneeled donors.
Saint Agnes, is represeneted standing, wearing an elegant dress and a cape that wrap her shoulders, traditional clothes of a lady of her period. Moreover she has a sweet and peaceful face, also because of the subtle shifts of light, which is in contrast with the Baptist's painting, that is characterized by a greater expressivity through the most marked features and the disheveled hair. With the left arm, she carries a lamb, whereas with the right hand she hold up the palm of martyrdom
Saint John Baptist is represented with a green mantle, with messy hair and beard while he is supporting on the right hand a ball and on the left one a roll. A similar representation is in the Saint Francesco’s church with the Madonna and the Saints.